Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Is it all a game?

Am I cynical in thinking that Republiskunks are not really that interested in immigration reform? When I think about political issues, I like to think of them in terms of policy issues. Solutions to problems. And there is a real issue here. There are lots of undocumented workers here and lots of underlying reasons why there are undocumented workers here. America's still trying to come to terms with its own cultural tension of being a xenophobic immigrant nation.

But I realize although there shouldn't be, there's a game element to it too. There's a part that's about strategy and getting in or staying in power. Part of me thinks that republiskunks are happy to be talking about something besides the war. And they'll be happy that they can make a campaign issue about keeping the brown people out of our country instead of any of their leadership failures abroad and at home.

Of course the media is jumping on the immigration issue. Yes, the republiskunks are in power now, but they're all too willing to let them set the agenda.


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