Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Add another lie to the book.

The credibility gap continues to widen. Junior says there is no civil war going in Iraq. This despite the fact that fifty to sixty people continue to die in sectarian violence every day. Is he waiting for a formal declaration of war? That would be funny, considering that he never got one from the US congress, and arm twisted a UN that only partially went along. This is a poor lie and there isn't a single American without half a brain who shouldn't see through it.

At some point the war paradigm shifted. There are no formal declarations anymore. War these days is not about lining up big armies and marching across the field at each other. These days it's about guns in back allies. IEDs and landmines that rip up tires and limbs upon remote detonatation. It's called low intenstiy warfare. And the trick is, it doesn't really matter how many soldiers we use. We can't win.

Does anyone know what the strategy is at this point? Junior doesn't either.


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