Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What I did on my day off.

I went to Google the other day for lunch with a friend. (Thanks J) I work at a college campus, but in an administrative building. I've got an office and when I go to meetings, or I go to other offices or conference rooms. Unless I'm at the student union, it's easy to forget the scholastic activities that go on around here. In comparison, Google seemed more like a school. Eating lunch there was like going to the school cafeteria. They had writing scrawled across a giant memo board. They had a continual slide show of smiley happy people. They had dozens of chefs preparing food for a couple jam packed roms. The only difference it the food there was free. And they upgraded to free range chicken and stuff. I could see why people would want to work there, but I would probably gain 20 pounds if I did.


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