Sunday, March 05, 2006

When did we fail?

When did this failure occur? Before Colin Powell's presentation of evidence at the UN, before Bush's State of the Union. Even before Hans Blix went on his cart before the horse search for WMDs in Iraq, it was already clear in my mind that Iraq was not a threat to the U.S. They had no WMDs. There was no reason to go to war. But despite my voice for peace. Despite the world telling them it was a bad idea, something called to Coalition of the Willing was formed and the U.S. found itself in Iraq led there by a President who chose faith over facts. Is it fair to say, that's when we failed?

After the U.S. took over, prediction after prediction proved false. There were no WMDs, Americans were not greeted as liberators, but as imperialists. Saddam was not involved with Al Queda or 9/11. Yet, Bush declared the mission accomplished. Is that when we failed?

A constitution was drafted. Elections were held. Another election was held. Each time we were told to stay the course, that some mythical corner was coming in sight. A plan that anyone could understand still had not been formulated or implemented. Is this it?

Today, most people in Iraq are much worse off than they were under Saddam. Life essentials like, water and electricity are not provided. The only jobs are military or enforecment jobs where minimal training will be provided. The truth is the civil war has already started. The U.S. has no plan to get in or out and our troops are at risk for no clear reason.

I think it's clear at this point, that history will judge Junior a failure for his war. Most people in America have finally figured this out. More and more are figuring this out every day. I'm just wondering when Junior will be able to admit it to himself or to any of us.


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