Thursday, October 06, 2005

Harriet Who?

New Chief Justice Roberts gets to show his stripes off right away. The first matter before the new court involves the Oregon assisted suicide law. In my best John McLaughlin "Is Mr. Roberts (a) a Strict Constructionist that will interpret that the state has the authority to issue its own laws in this regard (the conflicting Federal law argument is mostly a smoke screen) or (b) a conservative right winger who will pander to the religious right who wanted to keep Terry alive. We'll see. Either way he wins some supporters and loses others, not that he's in a position to care anymore.

In regards to Bush appointee 2, this is a hide the ball trick going on. She's got no record other than attorney client documents. No one seems to no what to make of her lack of record but no one really has any objections either. I can't say if she's a Scalia type conservative or a rational human being, however, I'm coming down against her at this point. The only thing I know so far is that she is loyal to Bush. Given Bush v. Gore or Bush v. any other case in the world, I think she does not exclude herself for conflict of interest and she votes whatever way Bush wants her too. She's never been a judge. I find it hard to believe that she would be the most qualified person for this position.


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