Wednesday, September 28, 2005

If Mike Brown were being truly honest.

Yesterday, Mike Brown testified before the Republiskunk half of a congressional comittee about FEMA and its recent failures. He did his best to deflect responsibility by calling the state of Lousiana and the city of New Orleans disfunctional. He then lied under oath about the request for aid from the governor of Lousiana. He did reveal one interesting fact. He is still on the FEMA payroll as "an advisor" reviewing what FEMA did wrong and what it could have done better. It seems to be a nice Republiskunk tactic to review yourself instead of delving into the truth.

What if he actually did do some actual self realization.

FEMA's greatest weakness was hiring a political crony with more skills in raising money and votes than any actual experience in emergency management. His background was in Arabian horses and he could not rely on the number two or number three official at FEMA either because they were equally unqualified. This lack of qualification and experience resulted directly in the tragic loss of an American city and the destruction of thousands of lives. This position is too important to be left in the hand of idiots.


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