Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another hospital stay

So I'm back at the hospital again. I don't think I've ever stayed in a hospital for any injury to myself. But S is spending way too many nights in the hospital. For the parents it's like a not so private, not so comfortable hotel room. I wondered what people did before computers. At least I'm able to check internet, and if mood, and circumstance allow, I might even be able to get some work done. Probably not, but I can try.

I"m not sure what it's like for S. I guess I wouldn't want to be poked and prodded every couple of hours. This place is a training hospital. There are a lot of doctors running around.

A lot of things are going on. It's like a puzzle and no one can really see the whole picture yet. Her overall condition hasn't changed, but we need to change our strategy, because things really haven't gotten better either.


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