Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sick Week

It's been another long week. My last post was Monday night from the hospital. Little S was getting another round of twenty four hour brain scans to see how the medication was affecting her activities. From what the can tell based on the scans, not a whole lot of dif so far. I can understand them trying to underdose rather than overdose with someone so young, but so far all that's happened is that they've upped the meds so far and we can't see a noticeable improvement.

I wasn't feeling that great before I camped out in the hospital room, but I felt a lot worse when I got home. The last two days I've been fighting a cold. A touch of a sore throat, but mostly just a sinus thing. I would be fine sitting still, but any movement of the head and I would feel like I had a vein in my head that was about to burst. There are a million things that the wife and I need to get done, and I couldn't do any of them. I was pretty useless.

Today, I was feeling a little better, not fully recovered, but somewhat better. But Little J seems to have picked it up. I picked her up early from daycare yesterday with a temperature of 103. Today, she was a crankly, clingy, needy little thing. I felt really bad for her, but there was only so much I could do to make her feel better. She essentially sat on the couch all day either watching Dora, or Diego or her new Tinkerbell DVD. So what I've learned is the only thing worse than being sick is taking care of a sick three year old.

But worry as I might right now, I know she'll get over it. Is my future now such that Little S is going to need special attention like that every day? It will be really really tough if that's the case. Give me strength.


At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes the toughest thing is not knowing. Take it one day at a time or one step at a time. Don't beat yourself up. Aside from making yourself miserable and lengthen your recovery time, it doesn't do anyone any good.


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