Monday, October 26, 2009


Last night I mostly watched the Yankee game. Another title on the way. But I happened to flip over to 60 minutes during a commercial break and caught David Axelrod. He's pretty much Obama's right hand man. He's always doing the weekend circuit advocating policy. It's what he does and he's good at it.

But this 60 Minutes appearance had nothing to do with politics. Instead the whole segment was on his role as a father for a child with epilepsy. His daughter has tried a bunch of different meds and had brain surgeries. It's clear that one of the things this guy is sacrificing to work for change is time with his daughter who he cares for very much. She's in her 20s now and it hasn't always been easy, but she seems good.

His wife also had to give up a lot. She dropped out of grad school to take care of her full time. After they saw her turn blue in her crib after a particular bad seizure. She's also head of a Chicago based group, CURE, an epilepsy foundation.

So one of the reasons I'm going on about this and epilepsy is that is one of the conditions my little girl has. And it was very helpful to see that the Axelrods have managed to work though this. I hope it's something we can to.

I'm planning on signing up with CURE and making a donation. I'm hoping some people might read this and consider a donation as well.


At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they could, you can.


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