Tuesday, March 25, 2008

5 years, 4000 dead Americans, countless more

I don't know if I have every been as depressed as I was 5 years ago. I stood with 50,000 others in San Francisco, maybe half a million across the country in what was one of the largest anti-war protests of all time and we were thoroughly ignored by Junior. It was a war that we didn't need to fight. It was obvious that WMDs were a republican delusion. All the evidence was there at the time before the war. Anyone who didn't see it was willfully blind. The media was not only complacent, it let itself be used. And 2/3 of Americans trusted this idiot who has made the largest presidential judgement of error in the history of our country. It was straight out of Orwell. I kept hoping that I'd find that I misunderstood. And then we watched the whole "Mission Accomplished" show and it was clear that this man had no business leading our country.

5 years later and there are no good answers. He's left us no good choices and we will continue to suffer the consequences for years, whether we pull out expeditiously or fifteen years from now.

Costs. 5 years. Trillions. (yes it's part of the looming recession) Trememdous loss of goodwill and moral authority. 4000 sons and daughters never coming home. At least 100,000 dead Iraqis. At least 1,000,000 displaced Iraqis. Less safety than before the war. Several personal liberties.

Wins. One dead despot. Oil?


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Lilstar said...

that picture is awesome! when i was working in the city, i went out in the streets to be part of the milieu... it was very, very interesting to watch the surges of emotion.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

The lettering on your sign is too neat to be your own writing. I'm guessing Wifey made that for you.


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