Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Jury & Justice

I narrowly avoided jury duty. About five numbers lower and I would have spent my day sitting at the courthouse today waiting for something resembling due process to happen. No one ever really wants to get jury duty, but I'd go as far to say, I don't deserve it again. I had it a couple years ago. I lost about two weeks of work and ended up serving as a jury foreman for a very difficult child molestation case. It was a very difficult thing to do and it took a few weeks before I really felt like a human being again. So I feel like I've done my civic duty. If I don't get jury duty for another twenty years, I think it would still be fair.

Yesterday I was thinking about bringing little J with me to the courthouse. There's no way they could choose me if I was carrying a drooling little baby, could they? When they asked if anyone needed to be excused, I wouldn't say anything, I would just smile and shrug my shoulders.

And while we're briefly on the idea of justice, for some reason Paris Hilton thinks she's been done a great injustice. Now her and her derranged fans who claim she brings joy and happiness to their lives (Please get real lives) are petitioning everyone to overturn the sentence. Injustice would be her getting off. I would be very very disappointed if Arnie even considered a pardon in this case.


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