Monday, May 07, 2007

Warriors of the Womb

A couple friends came over to watch some basketball on Saturday. We had a little wine and grilled some food. Or more accurately the guys drank a little wine. The womenfolk couldn't partake because of the little ones developing in their bellies. Who would have figured? I never would have imagined that outside a La Maze class or a hospital that I'd be part of a gathering where everyone is chatting about layettes, and exersaucers. Little J is going to add several more playmates in the next few months.

It seems like I'm somehow past my sophisticated adult years already, if I was ever in them. Wine, affairs of the world, real silverware those sort of things. I've reverted to parenthood, something past my youthful days and not really a second childhood, but not really adult anymore either. I wonder how long this lasts.


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