Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Veto is Arrogance.

In some ways it's fascinating to watch the machismo and stubborn conviction of Junior as he leads us down the unending path of war. He's made clear to everyone that he will not listen to the UN, to allied nations, to Congress, or the American people. His belief trumps any need for validation beyond his cynical Veep.

Even Daddy tried to push him towards some semblance of reason by enlisting a bi-partisan panel headed by his numero uno, James Baker, and Junior just shoved it aside. Daddy offered him a political out, and Congress just gave him an out. Yes, they've been grandstanding and their solution might not make sense militarily, but they are doing what they can to end the war. They essentially offered him an out. All he had to do was accept some sort of compromise and later on he could blame them for the continued carnage going on there. But conviction outweighs political consideration and he continues to fight. The surge meant nothing. His veto sadly enough means continued nothing.

Yeah, the war's lost already.

Yes, we should get out. There's no reason our soldiers should be in the line of fire. It was a mistake to go in and our continued presence is a continued mistake. Still, I'm somewhat amused by all the left wingers who have been taking Congress to task for not ending the war already. I wonder if these people know the Constitution or know how to count votes. Congress may suck at times but mob rule really wouldn't be any better.


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