Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ghost Players

In one version of heaven I play baseball all the time AND I have non-steroid induced talent for the game.

A co-worker told me about her brother in Iowa the other day. He's from the part of the country where the baseball flick Field of Dreams was filmed. Twenty years after the film, this brother and the locals are still going out to play baseball in those corn fields.

The local hotel establishment will tell these "Ghost Players" when special guests arrive to see the movie site, for example, a father with his dying son. The players will get dressed up in their 1900 uniforms and walk out through the corn and play some baseball, often inviting the guests to participate. Then the players will disappear through the corn fields.

I know there's a portion of people reading this who will immediately think this is really cheesey and people in Iowa need something better to do, but I'll say I think it seems pretty magical. Pretty cool.

I doubt if Kinsella ever thought this would happen when he wrote his book. I've read everything by this guy. Very entertaining.


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