Thursday, October 12, 2006

October Baseball

Naturally at this time of year, my thoughts focus in on baseball a little. The Yankees fell to a clutch hitting team that doesn't get enough respect. I guess the default New Yorker in me still says, oh well, there are still the Mets. Personally, I think Jose Reyes maybe the most exciting guy in baseball.

Wifey has been pulling for the A's and my cat is obviously rooting for her fellow felines. So in a sense, unless the Red Birds wins, somebody is going to end up happy.

My condolances to Cory Lidle's family. He's younger than I am and accidents like this should not happen. It does harken back to former Yankee captain Thurmon Munson, and a crash nearly 20 years ago. Not that Cory was going to be a hall of famer- but you're left wondering, what if? in regards to his baseball career and his life. I only hope that is allowed a respectful rememberence. The stories of that little girl from Colorado have gone on longer than her brief life at this point.


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