Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Baby News

I know I promised myself, I would never plug tv shows through this blog, but I'm breaking that rule for the first time.

There's a show on TLC called Bringing Home Baby which has suddenly become fascinating and very Tivo worthy. It's a reality tv show/documentary where they document young couples taking home their babies and their experiences in the first 36 hours. I've seen poor deluded couples, rich spoiled couples, reactions with dogs, cats and older siblings. I think the thing I've learned is no matter who these couples are, they and the babies seem to get through it in one piece, so things should be okay. I'm wondering if they've ever followed a couple home and said to themselves, we can air that, you know how many young parents we might freak out?

Also had a nice little baby shower the other day. Saw a lot of people. We owe a bit of thanks to everyone. We'll have to get around to that.


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