Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This was also about the guns.

So every couple of years, some nut takes a big bad gun and takes out random people for no sensical reason. Yesterday, I shared some thoughts on the political language part of the issue. Today, I just wanted to make a remark on the gun side.

I can't stand the NRA. They take a reasonable position that people have a right to bear arms and they turn it into every nut should be able to buy a gun to kill lots and lots of people. This is not about hunting. This is not about self-defense. This is about expelling lots and lots of bullets and making sure these occassional nuts can do maximum damage.

But this has become one of those issues that very few politicians want to take on. The NRA has seemingly won this battle and no one is willing to acknowledge that certain weapons should not be out there and available. In fact, the trend has clearly been to making guns easier and easier to get. It really doesn't make a lot of sense.


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