New story today
A couple weeks ago I found a site called Six Sentences. They only publish pieces that are exactly 6 sentences in length. I figured I could find something they might publish. So I took a small piece I'd written I don't remember when, something about 20 sentences long and in ten minutes compressed it into something 6 sentences. Ideally, I think I would have liked 7 or 8 sentences, but this site seems pretty forgiving of run-ons. And I smushed enough to make it sort of work in 6. Not the best piece ever, but no shame in throwing up on this site.
Anyway, a couple thoughts. I think this site is a great place for people who just want to try out some writing. Six sentences isn't a whole lot of commitment. It can be done realy quick. It's also a great place for people who tend to ramble to really focus on editing a story to get to essentials. And if you can't write an interesting six sentence piece, it might be time to set aside that novel you're working on.
Another thought. I read through a handful of past pieces to get an idea of what this site is about. When people tell really short stories like this, they like to hint at a resolution. More often than it should the last sentence uses the word, "cancer".
Another thought. The site also allows you to use aliases or write fictionally from someone else's point of view. "Authors" include Sarah Palin and some other random folks you wouldn't expect.
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