Mid-Break update
Essentially, my break is half over. Two full weeks is a fairly significant portion of one's life. If focussed, I'm sure one could accomplish a lot in that time, but focus has never been one of my strong suits. I'm actually happy with the progress I'm making on my novel over the break. I'm still at the initial stages of just throwing unedited crap into the computer file and seeing what sticks. I think I'll have to write about 400 pages to come out with a 200 page novel at the end. But other than that it has been a very very quiet break. Wifey and I treated each other to Rockband 2 for Christmas. Great game, but we've had almost no time to play it. I've banged on the drums at an average of about 1 or 2 songs a day. That's it. For a lot of the break, I've been busy chasing the two year old around. She's learning something new every day, but three hours with her is the equivalent of a full work day. A full day with her and I feel like I need to sleep for 12 hours. And at this point, we still don't have little S home yet. We're in this stage of being half tethered to her. We're not dong the diapers or the midnight feedings, but Wifey is attached to the pump and has to make a trip to the hospital each and every day. We can't go to the city. We can't go to a movie. Wifey can't even make it to the grocery store without throwing off her whole schedule. So it's sort of like we're responsible for the little one already. So we've been plenty busy and it will probably only get worse once she actually does come home. But such is life. I can't say I'm having a bad time. And the sooner she gets home, the better.
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