Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hacking Thursday

It's been at least 3 or 4 years since I've even picked up a golf club. And yet, today, I found myself sloughing through 18 holes with a foreign delagation of amateur champions. For four and a half hours, I hacked balls all over the place as these patient players, each with over 20 years of experience patiently waited. The thing is I'm sure they could have helped my game out, if they had spoken any English. All they spoke was Korean. Incidentally, the balls I used were stamped with the name of an old dot com start up that died a slow death. If the company, Viquity, were still around, maybe they would have appreciated all the free advertising I left for them all over the place.

I guess there are a couple reasons that I haven't golfed in a couple years. Primarily, I can't really understand the obsession of hitting a small dimpled ball into a hole in fewer hits than someone else. It's nice to make a good shot. And I guess if I ever got good and could do it consistentl, that would be nice, but I don't think I'll ever get to the place, where it's like making a nice shot in basketball. There's just not the same elation. It's just a personal preference. And secondly, golf really does get to be a pricey habit. I just haven't been motivated enough to spend the time and money it takes to get good. I guess I'd like to hit around a little more, but I don't think I'd ever want to be anything more than a hacker.


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