If my buddies and I had existed in a time before Safeway and before 9000 sushi restaurants in the US, we may not have starved, but we certainly never would have tasted seafood. My kid and wife should be very thankful that they need not rely on my angling abilities to feed them. Every couple of years we forget how frustrating it was last time we tried to catch fish. We convince ourselves that we are now smarter, or maybe fish have gotten dumber. We convince ourselves, we just had the wrong bait last time, or just bad luck. So yesterday we spent four hours at San Pablo dam, poles dangling in the water, drinking beer (at least we got that much done.), and throwing bait into the water without ever getting a nibble. Nothing. Nada. Zippo. We suck. Not all people had such crappy luck. As we were in the baitshop, we saw a three year old with a 12 inch trout in his net. At least someone can claim to be a fisherman.
superpower? looks like you didn't get the vote of the fish.
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