Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bad poo day.

Yes, so far I'd have to agree with those who say raising a child is one of the greatest experiences. Nothing compares to earning that smile on a baby's face. It means you've figured it out and things are all okay. Still yesterday is one of those days that I'm going to have to mention someday to my offspring when I need to put her on a good guilt trip. Not once, but twice, she pooed through her diaper and through her clothes until it was all over my clothes. I really hadn't known it was possible. The second time I was up in the city and needed to borrow a shirt before I could get home. Nasty. Nasty.

So as you might expect, we went out and purchased some larger size daipers today. Hopefully, they'll hold.


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

So, isn't it about time to get started on siring little Dinesh Lin?


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