Friday, October 20, 2006

Anthrax Story

That title should mean someone at the FBI will read this. Maybe that means they'll try and answer some of these questions one day.

This month marks the 5th Anniversary of the Anthrax Scare. Anybody remember this? Several people received suspicious white powder which turned out to be military grade anthrax spores through the mail. People died and governmental and private offices across the country were closed as potentially deadly locals.

After five years of investigation, the FBI has no explanations and have not found the responisble party. Yet, the whole story quickly disappeared. There are a few people out there who are still viewed as "people of interests", not suspects who seem to be destined to have earned a lifetime of FBI surveillance, but really they've got nothing and the media basically, gave the FBI and Homeland Security a pass on this.

What did we ever find out? Not much. It wasn't a terrorist plot. The anthrax spores were traced back to U.S. military bases. The current theory was it was a dissatisfied American scientist who wanted to demonstrate America's inability to handle the release of this bio-weapon. They just can't find the guy.

I don't know if I'm a rotten conspiracy theorists for posing this thought, but I'm just trying to connect the dots. Politically, this outbreak was advantageous to Junior's regime in Washington? That couldn't be why we never caught anyone, could it? There almost has to be a cover up. With so few potential sources for the anthrax, they should know who did it. They just don't want to say.

It just seems strange that this unsolved mystery still gets so much less attention than that JonBenet thing. I'm wondering if we'll ever get the truth on this one.


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Dinesh Ramde said...

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