Saturday, September 02, 2006

Getting to adulthood

I remember being a kid and being told that I could only do something with adult supervision. What did being an adult mean? At that time, it meant being a big person, no longer a kid. But have I become an adult yet? When did it happen? Was it when I got the right to vote? when I reached the age when I could fight for my country? when I got to drink legally?

Or maybe it was less a legal thing and just a responsibility level? When I started making my own money? When I started paying my bills on time? When I understood Jerry Springer, Dr. Phil, and Montel really didn't have anything to tell me that I didn't already know? When I got married?

I guess it was like most things, it is happening gradually over time. Each of these things were little steps along the way that made me GROWN UP. I'm finally getting there. Or I better soon. Some little girl is going to be looking up to me for supervision.


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