Saturday, July 29, 2006

Last 5

1. What do you do better than anyone else?

Not much really. I do some things well such as running the fly pattern on a basketball court, but I can't think of anything I do better than anyone else, except maybe drive my wifey's blood pressure up and down.

2. What are your and Sandra's pet names for each other?

I have many many names for Wifey. They change on nearly a daily basis. For the moment, I've been calling her "most glorious awesome wifey." or "baby oven"

These days, she's been referring to me by this expression, "tek yuk tek, yuk yak yuk". Or she'll call me "most ferocious tickle monster."

3. A lot of people complain about politicians but don't do anything. As
someone who's principled and politically astute, why don't you run for

I once had a conversation with Fiona Ma before she ran to be a supervisor in San Francisco. It may seem like these politicians come from no where, but she'd been laying the groundwork for her first race for years. Anyway, I think one of the first things I learned from her is that the first rule of politics is $$$. I don't have any and I don't think anyone else would spend any to see me in office.

Also, personal ambitions and political astuteness are not the only things that play into a run for office. If you run, you not only put yourself under the microscope, you put your spouse, your kid-on-the-way, your cat, your family, and your friends under that same glaring lens. And you just hope none of them do anything to embarrass themselves and you because anything and everything becomes fair game for a headline.

4. How has impending fatherhood changed you, changed the way you look
at life?

A lot of people seem to be somewhat nervous that I don't know what I'm doing. The truth is, I don't, but I'm also not that worried about fatherhood. I think most of it comes pretty naturally if you exercise some common sense. And I've got a great partner who will work through whatever issues come up. Yes, the baby store is a little intimidating, but we'll figure it out.

But there are things changing. This little girl is going to depend on me for everything from diaper changes to spending money, from burping to college tuition. Already, she drives many of our decisions. We've moved in part for her. And I'm sure she'll continue to color all my decisions for the rest of my life.

In the short term, it does put all this pressure on. There were all these things I was supposed to accomplish before I had a kid. Learn Chinese, learn the guitar, travel to Europe. At this point I've pared back my goals to finishing a couple of the stories I've been working on and getting the new place in shape.

5. Why do you call me Queen?

The fact that I know it really really irritates you is the only reason I need to keep calling you Queen. Seriously though, have you ever seen someone who covets so much drama in his/her life?


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