Thursday, July 27, 2006

Interview Time. 5 Questions from other Bloggers.

1. What ideas or advice do you have for someone planning the perfect crime?

Watch the Usual Suspects. Be able to improvise and make sure you have a patsy in place. Watch CSI. Bury the evidence. I used to think cement was a good place to hide the body but Myth-busters on Discovery Channel recently demonstrated that radar was pretty effective at finding flaws in the cement.

2. Ann Coulter, George W. Bush, or Kobe Bryant?

I'm not sure what the question is, so I'll modify a little.

a) Who do I think needs to be kicked in the nuts?
Kobe. Bad boy. He did it. He bought his way out.

b) Who needs an ego readjustment?

Junior. Kobe obviously thinks the world of himself, but Junior is dumber and has more impact on more people. I still don't get why we often see headlines like, "Bush says Iraq is not in Civil War". He's about World View, not truth. It doesn't happen unless he says it happens and that's ego.

c) Who is a screaming harpy who can't stream two meaningful sentences together?


d) Who would look best in Vera Wang's latest dress?

Kobe. You guys get it yet? I don't think anything of Ann Coulter. She's not important enought to consider.

3. What things are you planning on teaching Baby Jordan (and how will you help her handle the inevitable comparisons to Harold Miner)?

Everything I know and more. Key things I aspire for her: Compassion, integrity, sense of humor and a left handed lay-up.

4. What was your greatest sports moment?

Just like Jordan probably doesn't remember every detail of every 30 point game he had, the details are sort of fuzzy. I really don't spend much time thinking about my sports performances the minute I step away from the court or the field. I do remember throwing a seven or eight strike out shut-out in my first year pitching little league and my AABA award for defense was one of my favorte achievements.

5. How did your interest in writing begin?

It's started with reading. You read stuff that blows your mind and you go, wow! That's art. Then you wonder if you can ever develope the skill to do that. Then you work on it and hope that someday someone can read what you write and say, wow!


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