Saturday, February 06, 2010

Email world

It's Saturday and i went into work for a couple hours. Honestly, they don't pay me enough to do that. I don't know what pay would be enough, but what I get is pretty far from covering it. But I went in because there were some things I wanted to catch up on. Mine is a job, where you never catch up, only fall behind. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes it really does make sense to kick in a couple extra hours.

I was just thinking about email recently. Everyday I probably get about 80 emails. About half I can ignore. About 5 are updates that I guess I should read and digest and apply to work, but who's got the time? The rest are legitimate questions or things that deserve responses. So in order to be responsive to all my customers every day I would need to generate 35-40 emails. About 5 an hour. That could easily be my whole day. I would get nothing done.

So even though customer service is a worthy goal, it really isn't easy. The other thing is, if you are responsive and answer questions, all you do is get more inquiries. Follow up questions that don't always further the process along.

Email is a great thing, but it's gotten a little too crazy. And sometimes its more of a headache than it's worth.


At 3:32 PM, Blogger Lilstar said...

80? that's it?? jeez. maybe you should come over to H&S, emails would be the only things you'd do! ;)


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