Saturday, December 10, 2005

Night at the Ballet

My coworker is a serious student of the art of ballet. She started as an adult, but she's been dancing for years now. It's her passion. It's exercise, discipline and art. A couple weeks ago, she started talking about her upcoming performance. I had never seen a ballet, and honestly, I'd rather go to a ball game and watch guys compete, but it seemed like a great opportunity to try someone different, so I got a couple tickets for myself, my wife and my dentist.

The program was the Nutcracker. (Isn't it always that around this time of year.) It featured dancers from 3 to 50. It featured bright costumes and beautiful music. It featured a troupe of people telling a story with the hops, skips and other movements of their body.

My body language is pretty non-expressive. I slouch more than I should and my grace is in the results of my moves not the movements themselves. As much as I like to move and dance around to my old 80s records, I could not mash my toes or do any of the ankle breaking moves they attempt. I admire them for that and their ability to tell a story. It's great and I'm glad I saw it, but it's not an art from I fell in love with or would ever pursue either. I'll keep my dancing to the privacy of my own home.


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